Engatta's 7th release: More Personality and More Control

As the beating heart of your content organization, Engatta is continuously strengthening its pulse. Customized filters, an enhanced planner with multiple views, and some significant improvements in your calendar and account management are just some upgrades in the latest edition of Engatta.
Customized filters for every user
While using Engatta, content editor David probably needs a different dashboard than content director Anna. They can now both customize their filters to fit their unique needs and work styles. This feature helps to further personalize Engatta for every user, whether organizing your calendar, sifting through content, planning tasks, or managing accounts. Simply select one or more filter options that suit your requirements, and Engatta will remember them for you.
An example of a customized filter
So, with the touch of a button, Anna can now view the articles her team needs to publish by the end of the week and the status of each. And if David regularly wants to check what he has posted on Instagram, he can now define a default filter to do so.
Plan like a boss
Our planner update also helps you organize tasks and projects in ways that suit your style. You can now switch between multiple views effortlessly. There are four default grouping options: collection, owner, destination, and business line. But you can tailor your planner even further by creating unique grouping options, such as campaigns or anything else you need.
So, one user might want his planner to display all content items he is responsible for, while another might favor using the business line view.
Elevated user comfort
We've also made some significant improvements that enhance your Engatta experience, with users now having more control over their Engatta environment. For instance, if you've lost your password, you no longer have to call the administrator; you can reset it on your own (please don't use 'Welcome123'). And in your Conversations, you can now delete your own messages.
Connections with other platforms have also been upgraded. With LinkedIn import, you can add your LinkedIn posts to your calendar. Importing Instagram posts with multiple images directly into your calendar is also possible.
And it didn't end there because we've also made improvements to help you with your screen real estate. Ready to find out which ones?
All these UX improvements are to empower you, save time, and keep you organized. Behind the scenes, our team is tirelessly working on innovative new features, enhancements, and bug fixes that will help you do more with—and get more out of—your content daily.